C&M's new launch, emXPERT, a signature author proofing and editing solution helps authors/editors view their proof in a browser and edit the underlying HTML content in WYSIWYG. The editing environment is elegantly designed, so that the author can edit the content as simply as they edit a standard Word document without realizing they are editing the XML content sans complex tags. No prior knowledge of XML is required for the user to work on this platform.

This workflow saves a significant amount of time for the publishers and typesetters since the authors edit the XML document directly. There is no need to transfer PDF annotations manually. The author's edits are saved in a database and the editor/publisher has full rights to accept or reject the changes made by the author or make additional edits, if required.

emXPERT's editing environment is very simple but packed with loads of attractive features that are user-friendly and are likely to delight authors/editors.


  • No bulky email attachments, just an URL—click, view and edit the article
  • Packed with simple but very effective Word-like editing features. All edits are recorded with track changes for future reviews
  • Answer all Author Queries within the article, with the provision to add new comments or queries, effortlessly. Most important, the amended document cannot be submitted without addressing all the author queries!
  • Separate table editing environment, with fully loaded features to edit, add, merge or delete table cells
  • Packed with a lot of add-on features, such as equation editor, special characters/symbols, reference citations, etc.
  • Edit/add references using an exclusive reference editor, without having to worry about the reference styles
  • Attach new files or insert comments in case the production team needs to be updated with additional information
  • Exclusive dashboard for the publisher with article/journal management facilities. Easily track status of the articles, as well

. . . in the end, it's been a massive success!!! Everyone was really impressed with emXPERT. It was good to see how much you have consulted the opinion of everyone across the departments, this is the reason why we think your tool has the edge over anything else we have seen so far. Really impressive!!

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