In digital publishing, XML is a W3C standard, unanimously endorsed by the industry and market leaders since the information coded in XML is easy to read and understand and can be processed and repurposed in a variety of ways, as needed.
C&M has a strong armoury of efficient and smart digital tools named "emML" to help cater to the publishers' data mark-up requirements. We generate XML right from the early stages of production, based on C&M's global DTD. All our composition programs are integrated seamlessly to global DTD to auto-generate the final XML based on publisher-specific DTDs. C&M's XML-based workflow is very efficient and we export customer-specific data, such as XML, XHTML, ePub3, HTML5, etc., on the fly.
We also handle large-scale content conversion from any range of input formats, such as hardcopy, PDF, LaTeX, etc., and deliver high-quality mark-up documents in record turnaround time.